Zebra Smart Foods is located in Bathinda District, Punjab. The enterprise was established in January 2018 by Ms. Balwinder Kaur Sidhu (55). The enterprise is engaged in the processing of products like High Fibre Atta, Kodra Ragi Cookies with Jaggery and without Jaggery with Jeera, Mango & Amla Chutney, Pickles and Essence-based Sharbat like Mango, Litchi, Guava, Orange and Jal Jeera, etc.

Ms. Balwinder Kaur Sidhu wanted to upgrade her enterprise in order to meet the increasing market demand for the products. She came to know about the PM Formalisation of Micro food processing Enterprises (PMFME) Scheme through Punjab Agricultural University & Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bathinda. After applying under the PMFME Scheme, she received a bank loan (Punjab & Sind Bank) of Rs.1,30,000. With the loan amount, she purchased a Sealing Machine, a Big Refrigerator for the cooling chain, 52 Litre OTG Oven for cookies, two large-sized vessels for mixing of Sharbat and a large-sized Burner, etc.

After the installation of the machinery, the per day production capacity of the enterprise has increased from 1 kg Cookies to 10 kg Cookies and for Sharbat, from 10 liters per day to 100 liters per day. The increase witnessed in the production capacity has also resulted in an increment in the daily profit generation of the enterprise.

The products are being marketed via local stores, retail outlets, wholesale in Bathinda Punjab. The enterprise is also marketing its products through social media platforms. The financial turnover of Zebra Smart Foods for FY 2021-22 was Rs.3.00,000

(Content shared by Punjab Agro Industries Corporation Limited)