1. Decaffeinated (Decaf) Coffee

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10% of the world coffee market accounts for decaffeinated coffee. This coffee is developed from coffee beans that have removed at least 97 % of the caffeine from it. The methods which are used to remove caffeine from coffee beans include using water, organic solvents, or carbon dioxide. The solvent is used for washing coffee beans. This process is conducted until caffeine has been extracted from it.

Swiss Water Process

Carbon dioxide and charcoal filters can be used to remove caffeine. Here before roasting and grounding, the beans are decaffeinated. The taste and smell of coffee developed by this process will be milder and the color may change. The nutritional value of decaf coffee is identical to that of regular coffee.

2. Monsooned Coffee

Monsooned coffee is processed by the natural process of curing of dry green Arabica and Robusta. They are the specialty coffee in India. The high relative humidity of the monsoon winds and seas prevailing on the West Coast of Southern India in the regions of Mangalore and Tellichery (Malabar Coast) cause the beans to swell in size which changes the color of the beans to light yellow with intensely mallow musty flavor. Dry processed Arabica beans and Robusta beans are used for the preparation of Monsooned coffee. This is used in blends to give richness and more acidic coffees.

3. Espresso

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Espresso is made by forcing extremely hot water under high pressure through finely ground, compacted coffee. It is very popular among Italian coffee consumers. A large number of devices have been developed to make Espresso.

Brewing Method

Brewing method, named “Caffè Firenze”, uses a sealed extraction chamber. In this method, water and gas provide higher pressure which has three parts; the gas source, the extraction chamber and the heat exchanger. The gas source generates the pressured gas required to raise the pressure of the system. The extraction chamber is made with chrome brass and accessorized with two heating glow plugs. The factors affecting espresso quality are coffee type, roasting conditions and degree. Grinding and storage strongly affect the obtained brew.

Espresso Based Products

3.1 Cappuccino

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Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink prepared with espresso, hot milk and steamed milk foam. The coffee machine itself plays a decisive role in preparing espresso and also for other espresso-based beverages such as cappuccino and latte macchiato. The Miele coffee machine with its integrated grinder offers ideal conditions for obtaining perfect results. The brewing unit regulates the pressure and the temperature of the water as it is passes through the ground coffee and for this, when water is forced through the ground coffee at an ideal pressure and temperature, then coffee’s aroma is released.

3.2 Espresso Cantuccini

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  1. Almonds - 200 g
  2. Plain flour - 500 g
  3. Baking powder - 1 tsp
  4. Salt – ½ tsp
  5. Butter - 90 g
  6. Sugar – 250 g
  7. Eggs – 2
  8. Freshly prepared espresso coffee - 70 ml cooled slightly
  9. Coffee liqueur cinnamon or a mixture of cinnamon and sugar (for dredging) - 40 ml


  1. Pre-heat oven for 10 minutes at 180°C and roast the almonds. After roasting, grind them finely in a blender or with a food processing machine.

  2. Almonds are then combined with salt, baking powder and flour. To this mixture, add sugar, eggs butter liqueur and coffee. After this, knead this into a dough.

  3. Rolls are made which are of 3 cm diameter and 25 cm length and keep them in a baking tray. Dredge with cinnamon or cinnamon/ sugar, and set the temperature to 180 degrees.

  4. Tray is removed from the oven and then the rolls are cut diagonally into 1.5 cm slices with the help of machinery or a bread knife.

  5. In the baking tray, arrange the slices and then bake further for 15 minutes till they become light golden in color.

  6. 3.3 Espresso Truffle

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    1. Freshly brewed espresso coffee - 50 ml
    2. Double cream - 125 ml
    3. Dark chocolate (75% cocoa solids) – 300g
    4. Butter 2–3 tbsp rum or brandy approx. - 50g
    5. Sweet cases - 40


    1. Mix coffee and cream in a pan, then mix well and gently boil.
    2. Add the butter and broken chocolate into the boiling milk till the ingredients melt.
    3. Into this, add rum/brandy and allow this to cool. After cooling, keep it in the refrigerator for 2 hours until the mixture gets set.
    4. Beat the mixture until it gets creamy using a hand whisk. Then fill the mixture into a piping bag with a star nozzle and fill each sweet case.
    5. Keep the sweet cases in the refrigerator until they cool.

    6. Reference:

      1. The Andhra Journal of Industrial News

      2. Andueza, S., Maeztu, L., Dean, B., De Peña, M. P., Bello, J., & Cid, C. (2002). Influence of water pressure on the final quality of arabica espresso coffee. Application of multivariate analysis. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 50(25), 7426–31.

      3. (Content shared by Stephy Das, Consultant (Product Development), PMFME PMU, NIFTEM KUNDLI)